When is a Green Screen Appropriate

We have all seen movies, commercials, TV shows and even weather reports that utilize green screens. There are several benefits to using a green screen but it is not always necessary. In fact, it does require quite a hefty lighting set up to have a professional (not cheesy) look and there is some extra work in post-production. So when is a green screen appropriate

Hard to Film Locations

Some locations are either difficult to shoot in because of movement, natural lighting or availability. For example, if you are looking to create a scene in a moving subway car, there are a lot of logistical issues. The lighting on subway cars is usually too dark or too harsh. There is lots of movement that would make it hard to have a steady hand. And most importantly, you are not allowed to shoot in the subway for commercial purposes. 

If there are too many factors against you but you have your heart set on this scene, you can shoot using a green screen to set the scene. 

Controlled Environment

Using the subway car example again, there are too many external factors that may have an unwanted effect on the shoot. For example, there may be too many other riders that you will either have to get release forms from, avoid shooting or that may not make it possible for the shot you wanted. There are ads that you will have to blur. You may end up in a car with a broken light or graffiti and so on. 

When you shoot on a green screen, you get to choose the perfect background for your scene and know what it will look like in advance. You don’t have to worry about any external factors like people, weather or anything else. 

Multiple Locations in One Day

If you have only one day to shoot and need to show multiple locations, you may want to consider shooting on a green screen. This will take away the stress of having to rangle and move the crew from location to location, finding parking, setting up equipment, taking down equipment and keeping to a timed schedule. Too many locations in one day may just be impossible. 

With a green screen studio, you will be in one location and only have to worry about adjusting lights and set dressing in between shots. 

Special effects 

Movie magic is made possible with green screens. Whether you are looking to fly above the clouds, be chased by a dinosaur, or spend some time in a magical land, a green screen will have you covered. In fact, some films with lots of visual effects like “Avatar,” “Sin City” and “Life of Pi” are shot entirely on green screen. 

Green screens are what makes a lot of special effects come across as real on screen. 

Through green screens create a lot of potential for what shows up on film and TV, it is not always necessary. These are some of the situations where you can use green screen effectively. 

Have any questions on production or want to get started on your own shoot? Write us an email at hi@midweekproductions.com


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